Dress: Forever 21 || Necklace: J.Crew Factory || Ring: Anjolee c/o || Flats: Target || Purse: Old Navy + DIY || Watch: Michael Kors (similar in all gold here) || Silver Cuff: Forever 21 || Bow Bangle: Kate Spade (old, similar here)
Happy Wednesday Friends!
Before we hop into this post, no mom I am not engaged! You can calm down now! (:
Like most girls I have a Pinterest board stocked with ideas for my future wedding. I love the idea of marriage and all the planning involved, but I have NO plans on getting married any time soon (sorry friends).
My board is stocked with beautiful wedding dresses, gorgeous venues, and tons of wedding decor ideas. The one thing that I have been picky about choosing pinning on my Pinterest board has been engagement rings. I've always been pretty picky about my jewelry and choosing what my potential engagement ring is no exception. The idea of customizing engagement rings hasn't occurred to me until I came across Anjolee Jewelry.
Anjolee offers a wide variety of beautiful jewelry pieces, but they are specially known for their customized engagement rings. They already offer beautiful engagement rings, but if you want to add your own little touch to it you have to option to do so!
So dear future fiance, be sure to keep an eye on Anjolee Jewelry and consider customizing an engagement ring if you ever decide to pop the question. I know I'll be happy with any ring my future beau will pop the question with, but when the time does come I'm sure he'll know me well enough to pick out a ring that will fit into my style.
Are you super picky about your jewelry pieces like yours truly or not? Let me know in the comments down below! I hope all of you have a wonderful rest of your week! (:

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