Hi friends!
Today I wanted to share a new series on the blog with you all that I've actually been brainstorming about since last October. Nowadays, if you take a quick scroll through your Instagram feed you'll most likely see rows and rows of photos curated and edited to perfection. Even though everyone's feed showcases highlights of their tropical vacations, dinner dates, and on-trend outfits we often forget that that's what it really is, a highlight reel. It's easy to get sucked into thinking that everyone has an easy-breezy perfect life based off of what they share on social media because let's face it, no one wants to share the bad times.
The idea behind this new series is to break down the perfectly painted walls that we all build online and discuss more of what makes us... us and that includes sharing the not so great side. As much as I love sharing the latest fashion trends with you all or the Instagram worthy food that I'm eating, I want my little corner of the internet to be more than just cute dresses and drinks. I found over the years that even though I do love going online to search for outfit inspiration, I really love seeing more personal content that makes me feel a little less alone in certain situations that I'm going through, and I want to do that for someone too.
And that brings us to #AMYIRL. A series where I try to take you behind the perfectly filtered Instagram post and give you a little more insight into my personal life. In this series, I plan on sharing topics ranging from post-grad life, my perspective as being an Asian-American, dating, etc. I'm so excited to share this series with you all and hope you are too!
If you have any future topics you'd like to see from me in this series please let me know down below. Be on the lookout for the first official post in the series in a couple weeks and as always, thank you for reading!
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