Happy Tuesday friends!
If you read my previous posts than you may notice that I don't really do much to my hair. I have naturally very pin straight hair and wear it down 99% of the time. I mean, if I could have it my way I would love to have either A. someone do my hair for me every morning or B. my hair to be beautifully curled every time I woke up (wouldn't that be the dream?).
For when I do want to curl my hair I've always just used a standard curling iron. Typically it takes me about 20 - 25 ish minutes to curl my hair, which is the main reason why I don't really curl it.
I have heard that curling wands make your curls stay in longer and takes less time to curl. I have seen curling wands and wanted to try them out myself, but just never gotten around to do so... until now! I managed to get my hands on the Sapphire 8 in 1 curling wand from Irresistible Me to try out and was SO pumped to try it out!
Not only did I get a chance to try out a curling wand, I was able to experiment with 8 different wand styles. This is perfect for me because like I had mentioned, I have very hard to curl hair so this is a great way for me to experiment with different types of wands to see which works best for my hair.
All the tools in the Sapphire Curling wand comes packed into this little rolled up case. This case makes it super easy to store if you just pop it right back into the box that it comes in.
The curling barrel I had decided to use today was the 32mm curling barrel. Out of the ones I have experimented with, this one has been my favorite for big curls!
Tada! Here's the after! The curling process only took about 10 - 15 minutes. Surprisingly the curls lasted quite a while for my hair, it turned into very loose waves the next morning!
The lighting in my room didn't really show the curls must justice. If you want to see the curls a letter better, be sure to check out yesterday's post!

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