Sweater: Forever 21 (super old, similar here) // White t-shirt: Old Navy // Pants: Forever 21 // Necklace: Forever 21 (similar) // Shoes: Target // Purse: Kate Spade (similar)

I feel like I have been on a roll with these animal printed clothing pieces lately! Also, I want to point out that my outfit posts for the next couple of months may feature clothing pieces that are either have been in my closet for a long time or I may be re-styled from previous outfit posts. Bottom line is, I probably won't be having new clothing pieces in my posts for a few months because of a couple of reasons.

1. I'm making it my goal this year to be better at managing my money. I went a little overboard last year and I just feel that I need to save more. 

2. I have a lot of clothes. I mean, a looot. There are many things in my closet that have been in there for months and still have tags on them. I need to show some of my clothing pieces some love. 

I'll try my best to find and link items that are similar to the pieces that I am wearing if the exact one is no longer in stock. After all, aren't fashion posts like this suppose to be used as inspiration anyways? I am making it my goal to not buy new clothes until April (because I cannot not go shopping on my 21st birthday, am I right?) so we'll see how I hold up! 

Whew. That was a long spew. Now, on to my outfit!

So, I have had this adorable puppy dog sweater sitting in my closet for years and I probably have only worn it mayyyybee twice (see what I mean about needing to give my clothing pieces more love?) I always joke around with my friends saying this is my "old lady sweater" haha. 

I paired this sweater with my favorite white tee from Old Navy and some maroon skinnies to give it a pop of color. I think this outfit is so festive for the Valentine's Day season because it just reminds me of Puppy Love (hence the title..). 

I hope you all are having a wonderful day and let me know down in the comments below if you have ever had a break from shopping before. As a shopaholic myself I think this may be a slight challenge.. haha.


  1. I love your necklace in this post- so different and cute! And good for you for making a resolution to be smarter with money this year- one of the downsides of the blogging industry is the pressure to always spend, spend, spend! I wish that more bloggers would do more posts to focus on re-styling what they already have. :-)

    xoxo A

    1. Thanks girl, your comment really means a lot! I totally get the pressure to constantly spend money on clothes in the blogging world, but sometimes you just have to sit back and say you've had enough. I hope you're having a great day girl!

  2. That sweater is absolutely adorable!
    Love it :)

    xoxo, Jenny

  3. I love the color of your pants! And the sweater is super cute!


  4. I need to shop my own closet, seeing what you do is such an inspiration to find things in my own closet!Such a cute outfit, I seriously love your bag!

    1. Thanks Ashley!! It's kind of fun finding new ways to re-style my pieces!

  5. Managing money is SO important. It’s one of the reasons I don’t buy a ton of new clothes for myself. I think you’re making an extremely smart decision & who needs new clothes ALL the time anyway?! Your outfits are always so cute, I know you have tons in your closet to restyle!

    1. Thank you so much! I'm sure my wallet will thank me. haha

  6. What an adorable sweater! I'm with you on trying to be better about managing my spending, especially on clothes and makeup. Wishing you all the success on budgeting. :)

    1. Thanks girl! I wish you luck as well at managing your spending habits!

  7. What a cute sweater! I love it!

  8. What a cute smile and cute sweater. Love it, its a great inspiration.

    xx Johanna


  9. I love how cute this cardigan is! It is something that I would buy, too.

  10. I have a friend who is obsessed with dogs – she would absolutely cherish this cardigan!

    Good for you for deciding to be financially responsible this year! Check out Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University – it's a transformative class on managing budgets and controlling your finances rather than them controlling you. It's a revolutionary teaching, really!

    XO, Oksana from FOXYOXIE.com

    1. I'll definitely check it out! Thank you so much for sharing girl! Hope you're having a great day (:

  11. Love the necklace! I tend to have a pile of clothes with tags on them waiting to be worn too. When the pile gets bigger, it's definitely time to stop shopping. Haha!


  12. Love that cute cardi! I need to be on that kind of control!

  13. Cute look girl! The cardigan has so much personality.

  14. Love your cardigan!!! It's so much fun.


  15. I love your bag! It is gorgeous

  16. Loving this sweater--of course I love anything with dogs on it!

  17. This sweater is so cute! I have a blouse with cat faces all over it and it is one of my faves! Xoxo Mindy

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Love the sweater!

    -Steph | www.citybelleblog.com
